Professional Sales Management
Titolo: Certified Sales ManagerWhat keeps your company idea alive? Did you know that almost 9 out of 10 consultants ask the wrong questions. Your company might be missing out on additional revenue. The goal of this course is to improve the performance of any sales team and close more deals! The course is designed to make you more efficient in your sales goals, stand out in the crowd and attract more customers. You need to ask the right questions – independently if you are in sales, management or support.
Nota: Il workshop può essere prenotato anche in tedesco.
Durata:14 ore
Luogo:In azienda
Numero del corso:80106
Costo del corso (IVA esclusa):
- What is sales: Mastering the selling process
- When does sales happen? Customer segmentation and prospecting
- Sales pitch and closing: Hear from local industry leaders how they sell and what their challenges are
- Creating a toolkit for the sales process
- Guidelines how to deal with objections and question solving
Docente | CEO, Flexipass (Bolzano, Italia)
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